The PTI Auto-Belt Sampler (ABS) is an improvement on the traditional “stopped-belt” method of sampling, which involves the stopping of a loaded conveyor belt and removing a full cross-sectional sample from the flow. Although reliable, the major drawbacks of the stopped- belt method are its dependence upon dedicated personnel and its interruption of the production process. The Auto sampler is easily retrofitted to virtually any point along existing conveyor structures, and, once installed, eliminates the need for dedicated personnel, and has the ability to collect a complete cross-sectional sample of aggregate from a moving conveyor belt in less than one second.
When combined with an Automated Gradation Unit (AGU), the Auto-Belt will allow an operator to sweep a sample of crushed aggregate off a moving conveyor belt (at intervals set by the operator) and dump it through a chute into the inlet hopper of the AGU for processing. This automatic system will provide continuous real-time gradation information without stoppage to the conveyor belt.
The ABS is pneumatically operated (90psi air required), and can accommodate belt widths 24” to 60” wide. As a rule of thumb, the cutter width must be 3 times the size of the largest aggregate (eg.6” if top size aggregate is 2”). Complete unit with accessories weighs approximately 1500 pounds and runs on 110 volt, single-phase current.

Auto-Belt Sampler (ABS) system includes:
- Base machine
- Divider/Cutter Assembly
- Contour Support idlers at point of sweep
- Operating sensors & junction box (NEMA 4X)
- Basic hoses and fittings for plant air hook-up or complete set up with self contained air compressor